
Showing posts from September, 2023
  1 Dad And His Dog - Week 2 The inter-species parenting parallels continued to reveal themselves this week. 1) Had to congratulate puppy and children for pooing in the correct area of the house?  Check 2) Watched with parental pride as puppy and children ate dry food and cheesy pesto pasta?  Check 3) Told off puppy and children for an unprovoked attack on another family member following a nap and half a bag of Haribo?  Check 4) Being pleasantly surprised when puppy/children went tor bed/crate and only howled/shouted questions about Komodo dragons from the other end of the house for minutes before sleep. Check 5) Instantly forgiving puppy for repeatedly defecating under a coffee table/child for critiquing parenting skills after sleeping on your feet / telling you they love you.  Check Having a dog will add another dimension of work to an insanely busy family life, but the calming impact makes it worth it. CLICK TO WATCH A LITTLEST HOBO PARODY ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hello, I'm James &
It’s Nell’s first week of living with us, and like her human brothers and sisters, she’s following their examples by pushing all the boundaries. She’s hidden behind a sofa to urinate, been told off for skidding on the floor and been read the riot act on the topic of the use of scatter cushions. Click here for a very silly song  She’s sleeping a lot, again, just like our children at the worst possible times of the day. She seems to be a fan of getting a massive surge of energy around 10pm, which feels familiar. How Has Nell Impacted the family in week 1? The 1st weekend of puppy life resulted in having to mop floors possibly more times than the previous 9 years combined. There were puddles and poos, and irrespective of how much we all stood in the garden telling her to “poo poo! ” or “wee! ” she seemed much happier to wait till we’d carried her back into the house before piddling behind a sofa or pooing under the kitchen table. It did feel like going back to the days of having a newborn
Baby number 4, for our family (not literally, that's the stuff of nightmares) arrived o n 22nd July 2023. She was one of a litter of 8 (four dogs and four bitches) golden retriever puppies in Eastbourne, East Sussex, courtesy of (Sire) Amirene Finlandia for Canina and ( Dam ) Sweet Millie Mai. Blog Post 1- Day 1 On Saturday, 16th September, my wife collected our 8-week-old Golden Retriever " Nell" from her biological Mum. She cried in the footwell of the passenger seat for several few minutes. The puppy, not my wife, although our children can have that effect on her. I say Nell, her "keeping everyone in the family happy"  Nell-Flower-Tony-Star Macdonald   SHE WAS ASLEEP when I walked into the house to meet her for the first time. My daughter looked frozen in time, watching her sleep from the other side of the living room. My wife was in the kitchen trying not to gag while sawing off a nugget of frozen tripe from a brick-sized block. Advice I found on the Inter